Dandruff can be an embarrassing, frustrating condition. Here are 6 home remedies to help you get rid of dandruff.
There are a variety of ways to attempt to get rid of dandruff, from medicated shampoos and corticosteroids to alternative remedies like tea tree oil and baking soda.

Dandruff, which is characterized by itchy, white flakes of skin on your scalp, can be uncomfortable and embarrassing to deal with. It may also cause other symptoms, such as greasy patches on your scalp and tingling skin.

However, it’s easy to treat and relatively common, with some reports estimating that this condition affects up to 42% of infants and 1–3% of adults worldwide.

Vinegar: Vinegar helps in treating itchy, dry skin and also helps to kill dandruff-causing fungus and bacteria. The acidic content of vinegar is supremely beneficial to drastically reduce flaking.

Baking Soda: Baking soda, acts as a scrub and exfoliates the scalp gently, without irritating it and removing dead skin cells. Exfoliation is essential to ensure there is no build-up of flakes on the scalp that make dandruff even more visible.

Neem: All of us are aware of the role that neem extract plays in almost all skin medications because of its antibacterial and antifungal qualities. Since dandruff can mostly be attributed to fungal colonization of the scalp, it is only right to turn to this age-old remedy for skin ailments.

Tea Tree Oil: All anti-acne and anti-fungal medications boast of tea tree oil due to its exceptional power to fight fungal and bacterial infections. Add a drop or two of tea tree oil to your shampoo and wash normally and notice the results sitting in the comfort of your home!

Garlic: The pungent smell of the occasional garlic clove may make it a No-No for some but its medicinal value is definitely something that cannot be overlooked. Garlic is immensely beneficial as an anti-fungal natural product and the benefits of raw or crushed garlic (avoid cooked garlic for treating medical conditions) have mesmerized man for centuries.

Aloe Vera: Not only is aloe vera cooling but also mildly exfoliates the skin and has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It is best to directly extract some from the aloe vera plant- it is transparent and has a thick consistency. It can be applied to the scalp and then washed off with a medicated anti-dandruff or mild shampoo.