Your own blood is the key for hair regrowth
PRP Treatment for Hair
What exactly is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy?
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a therapy for baldness and hair loss. PRP is effective in treating androgenetic alopecia. PRP therapy has attracted a lot of attention because of its high success rate. PRP treatment is a three-step technique that includes extracting, processing, and injecting plasma into your scalp’s bald region. The procedure stimulates natural hair growth in the scalp. The procedure is occasionally coupled with other hair loss treatments or drugs to produce the greatest outcomes. Hair follicle stimulation regenerates damaged tissues and reduces the hair loss process.

Before | After Results
Who is not suitable for the PRP procedure?
- If you have an immunosuppressive condition like HIV or HTV, PRP therapy is not suitable.
- Receiving a cancer diagnosis.
Common illnesses include dermatological disorders, viral infections, blood issues, and platelet abnormalities. - Pregnant women
- Chronic hepatitis
- Metabolic disease
- Platelet dysfunction
How is PRP therapy administered?
It’s a really simple and non-medically intrusive technique. A dermatologist will take blood from your arm. The platelet rich plasma PRP is isolated from the blood by the medical team after the blood is put through a centrifuge.
To spin and extract the PRP molecules from the blood, a cutting-edge gel method was applied. After the centrifugation procedure is done, the key growth proteins in your blood are separated.
The second step involves the application of topical anesthetic. The platelet-rich plasma will subsequently be injected into your scalp by a dermatologist. PRP stimulates follicles, which allows hair to regenerate.
Post procedure care
Avoid applying cold or heat on the injection site for the first 72 hours following the therapy. Avoid taking a hot bath for the first several days following the therapy. Do not consume any alcoholic drinks for the first week after the surgery. Showering should be avoided for the first 24 hours after the procedure.
Is PRP treatment effective and painful?
PRP is one of the most successful hair restoration techniques available today. This is the least painful surgery. You may suffer mild to severe discomfort when getting PRP.
How many sessions are necessary?
On average, 4 to 6 treatments are required to manage hair loss and observe growth.
If you would like more information about PRP Treatment, please contact us at 8591137453 or fill out the appointment request form and one of our representatives will contact you within 24 hours.